Hot summer had gone and autumn is here in Japan.
How your guys doing now?
Well I had made only one POLO SHIRT in this summer...
I was in SL so often this summer but only one.... I wonder why? I
Usually I did release summer item in the end of season.
I sure had idea to make more summer item but.....
I decide to make season item on time in this year
So no more summer item!! lol
New release is RIDER JACKET

This mesh jacket is designed to put your hand in pocket. and may not show your hand animation.
I made 10 colors.
Not so daring design this time.
Only "Panda" which is Black and white is little bit unique.
You can change color and pattern of Inner and lining with HUD.
21pattern for inner and 9 colors for lining.
You also can hid inner even only bottom.
I use dialog texture change system in my last released POLO.
But it had bad reputation so I made HUD this time.
HUD... it gave me such hard time... don't request me any more for HUD lol
Here is the picture

I was wondering who POCKET IN HAND works but it was easier that I don't have to much attention for the texture around the shoulder。
I always put my hand in pocket in RL so... I like this design!!
But some of you may wish to move your hand so....
And as always I made this jacket with FITTED MESH
But depends on your shape it may not looks so good ( especially around your hip) so I put note card of recommended shape setting just check it for reference.
And do not forget to try DEMO to make sure it fit to your shape before you buy it!!
Now! hope you have fun in autumn with worm hand in pocket jacket !!